Effect of Testosterone on man’s Sex Life
Revealed truth: What effects testosterone has on an ordinary man’s sex life
Testosterone is not just the fuel of male sexual desire and performance.
But low testosterone levels can reduce the ability to enjoy sex.
Lack of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction are sexual problems that can occur as a result of low testosterone. In that case, medical treatment is the only choice.
Testosterone and the causes of decreased sexual desire
The mystery of the mechanism by which low testosterone reduces sex drive has not yet been solved by researchers.
It is quite common for a man’s sexual desire to decrease after adolescence and the twenties, but among men themselves, there are pronounced individual differences in this regard.
What one man defines as low libido may be completely acceptable to another. Also, the sexual urge is subject to the influence of various factors such as stress, sleep and the opportunity for sex.
Due to these three factors, defining a “normal” level of sex drive seems impossible.
That is why usually the man himself recognizes the lack of sexual desire as a problem, most often compared to the previous condition.
In other cases, it is the sexual partners who notice that the problem has arisen.
Symptoms of low testosterone do not always include a feeling of lack of sexual desire.
Some men have the unchanged sexual desire with relatively low testosterone levels. In other men, there may be a decrease in sexual desire, even if testosterone is at a normal level.
Low testosterone is therefore one of the possible causes of low libido.
But if the decrease in the levels of this hormone lasts for a longer period of time, all men will experience a lack of sexual desire.
In one large study conducted in Massachusetts, about 11% of men surveyed found that they had decreased libido.
About 28% of men with low testosterone levels also had low libido.
These were relatively young men, with an average age of 47; the elderly had more intense symptoms.
Low testosterone is just one of the possible causes of decreased libido. Other problems, such as stress, lack of sleep, depression and chronic health problems can also negatively affect a man’s sexual desire.
Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction
Surprisingly, low testosterone in very rare cases causes erectile dysfunction.
Low testosterone alone, when a person has no other health problems, in a very small number of cases is the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Erection problems are often caused by atherosclerosis – a disease of the muscular arteries.
If they are damaged, the small blood vessels that supply the penis with blood can no longer dilate and thus bring the necessary amounts of blood necessary to achieve and maintain an erection.
In addition, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are among the three main causes of both atherosclerosis and erectile dysfunction.
At the same time, low testosterone is a frequent companion of atherosclerosis in the genesis of erectile dysfunction.
Studies have shown that one in three men with low testosterone levels mentions the problem of erectile dysfunction to their doctor.
Medical experts in this field believe that, in men for whom other factors cause erectile dysfunction, low testosterone has a strong effect on it, making the situation even more complex.
In order to understand the nature of this connection, low testosterone has been linked to many health conditions that can lead to erectile dysfunction, such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, endothelial dysfunction and diabetes.
Although it is not known whether these conditions cause low testosterone levels, the association between other medical conditions and low testosterone may be significant in answering questions about the extent of reduced testosterone on a man’s sexual as well as general health.
Low testosterone therapy leads to improved sex drive and, consequently, pleasure in many men.
However, the long-term effects of substitution therapies are still unknown, which means that they are still in the phase of extensive medical research.